Starting at 1.45 pm, this exciting meeting will include talks from three 2014 RSC Award Winners: as well as a wine reception and a poster session to provide opportunities for students to participate.
Imperial College London - Skempton Building (27 on the campus map)
LT 201
13.15-13.45 Arrival and registration
13.45-13.55 Welcome comments
13.55-14.20 Postdoctoral talk: Dr Jochen Brandt (Imperial College London) – “Luminescent helicenes and their application in organic light emitting devicesâ€
14.20-15.20 2014 RSC Pedler Award winner: Professor David Leigh (University of Manchester) – “Making the Tiniest Machinesâ€
15.20-15.50 Coffee break
15.50-16.30 2014 RSC Hickinbottom Award winner: Dr Stephen Goldup (University of Southampton) – “Small Functional Rotaxanesâ€
16.30-17.30 2014 RSC Centenary Prize Winner: Professor Fraser Stoddart (Northwestern University) – “The Nature of the Mechanical Bondâ€
LOCATION: Imperial College London - ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº Building (32 on the campus map), ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº Cafe
17.30 Wine reception (¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº Building, 32 in map)
Imperial College London - Skempton Building (27 on the campus map)
LT 201
13.15-13.45 Arrival and registration
13.45-13.55 Welcome comments
13.55-14.20 Postdoctoral talk: Dr Jochen Brandt (Imperial College London) – “Luminescent helicenes and their application in organic light emitting devicesâ€
14.20-15.20 2014 RSC Pedler Award winner: Professor David Leigh (University of Manchester) – “Making the Tiniest Machinesâ€
15.20-15.50 Coffee break
15.50-16.30 2014 RSC Hickinbottom Award winner: Dr Stephen Goldup (University of Southampton) – “Small Functional Rotaxanesâ€
16.30-17.30 2014 RSC Centenary Prize Winner: Professor Fraser Stoddart (Northwestern University) – “The Nature of the Mechanical Bondâ€
LOCATION: Imperial College London - ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº Building (32 on the campus map), ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº Cafe
17.30 Wine reception (¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº Building, 32 in map)