Spend an afternoon in Northumbria University's chemistry laboratory to solve 'The Case of the Dying Morrows'. Take the rare opportunity to experience working in a University laboratory and have a go at three common analytical techniques - titration, visible spectroscopy and flame photometry, you can learn how to do serial dilutions and plot calibration curves- useful for both ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº and Biology. Please bring a scientific calculator with you; you will be working in teams of three (we can match you up if not already in a team).
NB- you will be unable to attend if you have taken part in any of the 2016 North East School's Analyst competition heats.
To Register Email Chemnet@rsc.org
School and Individual bookings will be excepted maximum of 6 per School
This event is suitable for year 11 or 6th Form students and teachers are welcome to attend.
ChemNet event Jointly organised with Northumbria University
NB- you will be unable to attend if you have taken part in any of the 2016 North East School's Analyst competition heats.
To Register Email Chemnet@rsc.org
School and Individual bookings will be excepted maximum of 6 per School
This event is suitable for year 11 or 6th Form students and teachers are welcome to attend.
ChemNet event Jointly organised with Northumbria University