Devonshire Hall is a University of Leeds Residence located on Cumberland Road, off Headingley Lane LS6 2EQ. We start with a drinks reception at 1830, followed at 1900 by the Central Yorkshire Section AGM (members only), dinner and a talk for members and guests. You may bring a guest; during the AGM, guests may remain in the reception room. The dinner (subsidised) must be booked in advance by 20th March, preferably by email, with a contribution of £10 per person payable on the night.
The AGM includes elections for places on the Central Yorkshire Section Committee, and we have several vacancies for Ordinary Membership. If you are interested, if you can help organise local events, if you would like to maintain the profile of our professional society in Yorkshire - the Officers would be very happy to see you. We will welcome any member on to the Committee, be he or she young, old or in between, academic, educational, industrial ..... just interesterd in ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº and in communicating that interest!! Contact Richard Whewell, preferably by email, if you have questions before the event. Nominations can be made in advance or even during the AGM.
Our after-dinner speaker this year will be Professor Stephen Westland from the University of Leeds, speaking on "The Effects of Light on the Body".
The AGM includes elections for places on the Central Yorkshire Section Committee, and we have several vacancies for Ordinary Membership. If you are interested, if you can help organise local events, if you would like to maintain the profile of our professional society in Yorkshire - the Officers would be very happy to see you. We will welcome any member on to the Committee, be he or she young, old or in between, academic, educational, industrial ..... just interesterd in ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº and in communicating that interest!! Contact Richard Whewell, preferably by email, if you have questions before the event. Nominations can be made in advance or even during the AGM.
Our after-dinner speaker this year will be Professor Stephen Westland from the University of Leeds, speaking on "The Effects of Light on the Body".