A refresher course in ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº, applied to the QC Laboratory environment, for pharmaceutical professionals and trainee QPs who haven’t studied ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº beyond GCSE level.
¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº is essential to life, and especially to professional life in the pharmaceutical industry. A basic level of understanding is often taken for granted, leaving those without a background in the subject struggling to keep up, or suffering in silence. The course focuses on those aspects of an A-Level ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº syllabus that are most relevant to QC Analysis and Testing and places them in an industry context.
The content is intentionally pitched at an elementary level, and is designed as a primer for the QP qualification, and more generally for those who interact with QC activities while wishing they could remember some college ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº. The day is designed to explain some vital concepts, demystify common terminology, and provide candidates with a basic toolkit of knowledge to hold their own in the QC environment.
SPECIAL OFFER - If you attend this course, you will receive a discount of £280 off our QP Analysis and Testing training course so that the combined price for both courses is just £2,500.
The course is suitable for candidates of the QP Analysis and Testing module who don’t have a background in chemistry, or Quality Control. It is also a useful primer for professionals within the pharma industry needing to fill a gap in their knowledge base, or otherwise refresh their memory.
Course Cost: £695 (+VAT)
¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº is essential to life, and especially to professional life in the pharmaceutical industry. A basic level of understanding is often taken for granted, leaving those without a background in the subject struggling to keep up, or suffering in silence. The course focuses on those aspects of an A-Level ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº syllabus that are most relevant to QC Analysis and Testing and places them in an industry context.
The content is intentionally pitched at an elementary level, and is designed as a primer for the QP qualification, and more generally for those who interact with QC activities while wishing they could remember some college ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº. The day is designed to explain some vital concepts, demystify common terminology, and provide candidates with a basic toolkit of knowledge to hold their own in the QC environment.
SPECIAL OFFER - If you attend this course, you will receive a discount of £280 off our QP Analysis and Testing training course so that the combined price for both courses is just £2,500.
The course is suitable for candidates of the QP Analysis and Testing module who don’t have a background in chemistry, or Quality Control. It is also a useful primer for professionals within the pharma industry needing to fill a gap in their knowledge base, or otherwise refresh their memory.
Course Cost: £695 (+VAT)