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Journeys to the Chemical Elements

16 December 2020 16:00-17:00, United Kingdom

Journeys to the Chemical Elements is a project combining storytelling, art and science. It is inspired by a desire to deepen the connection between people and the elements of the Periodic Table. Through stories and images, 30 of the most well-known elements are portrayed as vibrant and alive beings with messages to share with us. The aim is to inspire future generations to take the opportunity to know and understand the Chemical Elements, and to see them as precious gifts to be respected.
In education the use of stories has far-reaching implications. Firstly, to increase engagement in Science, promote scientific literacy and improve cross-curricular links to English and Art. Second, as an opportunity to deepen students’ understanding of the elements of the Periodic Table, as the stories give properties to the elements which mirror trends in reactivity and physical properties. Thirdly, the stories increase the cultural capital of the subject while raising awareness of the use and misuse of elements in human history.

Stories from the book have been used during KS3 lessons and in assemblies in Secondary schools. They have also underpinned a Science Week competition where students wrote their own stories and produced original artwork. Early research into using these stories and artwork from the book in Secondary education will be presented in this webinar.

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