ࡱ> XZWq` bjbjqPqP 7N::lllllllT(N2(4(4(4(4(4(4($+hi-`X(lWWWX(llm(!!!W ll2(!W2(!!#llH$ P“5a"$&(0($,--H$H$F-l$vT!QDX(X(! (WWWWDllllll REACHing the Polymer Sector Thursday 13th December 2007; The Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester REACH legislation came into force earlier this year and many people are aware of the ramifications of it. Some people, particularly in the Polymer Sector, believe they have an exemption from the legislation, but are they? To paraphrase the legislation Processors need to ensure that additives, initiators etc are in compliance Do you fully understand the statement? Are you certain your products are fully compliant? Whether they are or not do you know what to do next? There have been numerous events on what the legislation is and on the role of the Competent Authority, this event will focus on pragmatic advice about the help available to companies and the next steps they should take to ensure full compliance, particularly for polymer processors. Who should attend? Managing Directors Manufacturing and Operations Directors CEOs Training and Skills Managers Site Managers Manufacturing Managers HR Managers Chemical and Process Engineering Managers PR and Communications Officers Business Development Managers R&D Scientists and Engineers PROGRAMME 16.00Registration & Coffee16.30Welcome to Chemical ElementsDr Jennifer Clucas: Chief Executive Officer of Chemicals Northwest16.40Sarah will discuss the implications of REACH for the Plastics Industry, the likely issues that may arise and how the BPF can helpSarah Plant Industrial Issues Executive of the British Plastic Federation 17.00As part of the IOM3 Material Information Service / Polymer Innovation Network Companyactivities within the Polymer Sector Jan will be promoting thesupport available from the Lancaster Universities Reach Centre in context of for example, pre registration / relevant requirements Jan Czerski for the Materials Knowledge Transfer Partnership 17.20Chris will give an Industrialists view on the implications of REACH for the polymer related chemical companies, manufacturers and downstream users Chris Howick Group Product Stewardship Manager for Ineos Chlor Vinyls 17.40Closing Remarks Followed by a buffet, and an opportunity to talk to presenters and network with other participants. Dr Jennifer Clucas: Chief Executive Officer of Chemicals Northwest18.30Meeting Ends Chemical Elements The Northwest Chemical Industrys Monthly Networking Exchange REACHing the Polymer Sector Thursday 13th December 2007; The Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester Delegate Name(s)PositionE-mailTelephone *Please note: Chemical Elements are networking activities so please let us know if you do not wish your contact details to be made available on the attendance list. COMPANY________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Post Code ____________________ Web ________________________________________ If you would like to bring along some information on your organisation we have a limited number of display spaces available for stands and literature, please contact us on 01928 515678 DISPLAY BOARD INFORMATION Display space 29.38 (25.00 +VAT) Registration details and location map will be emailed to you 1 week before the event RATES Attendance fee cannot be refunded unless more than 5 days notice is given of cancellation. Please make cheques payable to Chemicals Northwest. MEMBER/YPNNON-MEMBERDelegate RateFREE41.13 (35.00 + VAT) For further details please call Alex Heys on 01928 515678 to discuss. 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