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It is a vibrant, forward-looking University, well known for the quality of its degrees and where it offers an outstanding environment for postgraduate study and research. The University has excellent facilities and is ranked as one of the top Universities worldwide. It is a particularly well chosen location for this 1st ӰԺ in Energy Conference as energy research is a core activity at Heriot-Watt University. The Universitys Energy Academy covers a wide spectrum of energy research across the whole University, which ranges from conventional fossil fuels to solar energy and energy-focused materials through to energy economics, use, policy and logistics. The Universitys engagement with the challenges of climate change, sustainability and security of supply has contributed towards the global understanding of these issues. It has also helped to focus the Universitys achievements on how best to match its skills base to these emerging research and knowledge exchange issues. Edinburgh, the historic capital of Scotland, and standing on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth, has much to offer the conference delegate. From the cobbled streets of the medieval Old Town near Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile leading to Holyrood Palace and Arthurs Seat, to the modern shops, bars and restaurants and gardens of the Georgian New Town, there is something to appeal to everyone in this vibrant city. Nearby and open to visitors, the former Royal Yacht Britannia is moored in the Port of Leith. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE RSC ENERGY SECTOR The Energy Sector seeks to share knowledge and express views on chemical matters relating to energy. The specific aims of the Energy Sector are to support the chemistry professionals with interests in energy, to organise scientific meetings, to encourage interaction between RSC groups and other professional bodies and between academic and research organisations in the energy community and to act as a focal point for knowledgeable discussion on the chemistry involved in energy related science, in particular, promoting public awareness of the important role that chemistry plays in the production and utilisation of energy. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THE CONFERENCE The purpose of this Conference to bring together scientists and technologists from academe and industry with interests in the applications of ӰԺ in the Energy Industry. This RSC Energy Sector 1st ӰԺ in Energy conference aims to embrace all aspects of energyrelated research, where chemistry and the chemical sciences play a key or underpinning role in solving the UKs combined energy challenges of carbon emissions, energy costs and security of supply. The scope of the conference will be broad and will include all energy forms and technologies. Abstracts, which describe the applications of ӰԺ in Energy are now invited with scope covering but not limited to the main stream energy sources :- Fossil fuels, (oil, gas and coal), (Upstream and downstream and including carbon capture and storage, Environmental Issues, including emissions to air, Environmental Mitigation and Control Systems, Future Fossil Fuel Power Generation Technologies and Steam Cycle ӰԺ/Materials Issues), Nuclear, (Nuclear Waste Management and Reprocessing, Materials Issues/Structural Integrity, including the Effect of ӰԺ on the Degradation of Materials in Reactor Systems and Reactor Coolant ӰԺ including corrosion), and Renewables, (Fuel Cells/Energy Storage, Solar Photovoltaics/Solar Thermal, Solar Fuels, Biofuels/Biomass, Geothermal and Hydro, Wind and Wave Energy Systems). In addition, the conference will also welcome abstracts, which illustrate contributions from chemical sciences to Unconventional Energy Sources, (Fracking and Underground Gasification), Nuclear Fusion, Maximising Oil and Gas Recovery, solving challenges for Fossil Fuels, transitioning to Renewables, Energy Distribution and Conversion, Materials Developments for Energy Technologies, Environmental and Emissions Issues, and Analytical ӰԺ in the Energy Industry. Given the wide scope of this conference, it is intended to hold multiple parallel sessions. It is the intention that individual sessions will identify fundamental chemical science subjects and will, for example, cover cross-cutting issues over the whole energy field, such as materials chemistry, corrosion, water/steam chemistry, etc. In addition, some Keynote Speakers will be invited to give presentations on some specific themes. Research students are strongly encouraged to submit papers, attend and give presentations, where there will be a significantly reduced conference fee for students. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS AND PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION Prospective authors are asked to submit one or more abstracts at the conference website, www.maggichurchouseevents.co.uk/cec by 23rd January 2015. These Abstracts MUST be submitted via the website and conform to the specified format, (see template). For abstracts accepted, one author must present the abstract at the conference either as an oral presentation or as a poster. This author must register and pay his/her conference fee before 15th May 2015, otherwise their paper/poster can not be confirmed in the programme. CONFERENCE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Conference Executive Committee Officers Dr. David J.A.McCaffrey (Conference Chairman), McEnergy Consultancy. Mr. Michael Harrington (Conference Committee Secretary), EDF Energy plc. Miss Ike Sikuade (Conference Treasurer), HSBC Bank plc. Dr. Robert Gregory (Publicity and Sponsorship Officer), CRA Europe. Prof. James A. Anderson (Conference Programme Co-ordinator), University of Aberdeen Conference Executive Committee Prof. Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Herriot-Watt University ) Local Dr. Giorgio Caramanna, Herriot-Watt University. ) Organisers. Dr. Richard Oldroyd, Elkington and Fife LLP. Mr. John Greene, Consultant. Dr. Stuart A. Norman, E.ON Technologies. Dr. Di Wei, Nokia Research Centre. Dr. Edward J. Anthony, Cranfield University. Mr. Brian Shelley, Retired. Dr. Trystan M.Watson, Swansea University. Conference Advisory Board Dr. Miles Drake, Weyerhaeuser, (USA). Dr. James R. Gasson, Fraunhofer Institute, (Germany). Dr. Kinson C. Kam, Haldor Topsoe A/S, (Denmark). Prof. Tong Lin, Deakin University, (Australia). CONFERENCE FEES One of the principal aims of this conference is to encourage wide participation and to enable this, the cost to participants is kept to a reasonable level. The conference fees will be [approximately] ӰԺ Members, 365-00 ӰԺ Student Members, 185-00 Non-RSC Members, 550-00 Non-RSC Student Members, 305-00 The fee will include teas/coffees, lunches, the Poster Buffet Dinner and the Conference Dinner. All participants are asked to cover their own accommodation and travel costs and details of accommodation available, which will include University Halls of Residence, will be available via the website once full registration is open. TIMETABLESubmission of abstracts and preliminary registration23rd January 2015Acceptance of submitted abstracts/Authors informed13th February 2015Provisional Programme complete13th March 2015Last date for registration of presenters of paper/posters 15th May 2015Last date for discounted registration12th June 2015 PROCEEDINGS It is the intention to publish papers arising from the conference oral presentations and posters in an academic journal, where further details will be published at a later date. FURTHER INFORMATION To obtain further information please see the Conference Website www.maggichurchouseevents.co.uk/cec.     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