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The purpose of the analysis is to characterise the sample as fully as possible or to measure discrete components with high precision? This meeting is designed to draw attention to the methodology employed to analyse complex matrices containing target compounds with a range of physico-chemical properties. The analysis may be intentionally non-targeted, for example to screen for many classes of substance without chemical bias. The speakers who have accepted an invitation to present their work are listed below. Keynote speakers Dr Marc J-F Suter, President, Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry, Deputy Department Head of Environmental Toxicology, Eawag, 8600 Dubendorf, Switzerland. Mass Spectrometry in Ecotoxicology Professor Steve J Rowland, Petroleum & Environmental Geochemistry Group, Biogeochemistry Research Centre and Centre for Chemical Sciences,School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK GCxGC-MS of supercomplex mixtures of organic pollutants: a hump no more! Other Presenters include: Dr. Claudia P B Martins, Environmental Market Manager Europe, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Villebon sur Yvette, 91963 Courtaboeuf Cedex, France. Recent advances on the use of Orbitrap Mass Analyser associated to Environmental Analysis Dr Laura McGregor, Markes International Ltd., Llantrisant, Cardiff "Select-eV: Increasing dimensionality in GCxGC-TOFMS of environmental contaminants" Peter Russell, ACDLabs, Advanced ӰԺ Development UK Ltd. Venture House, Arlington Square, Downshire Way, Bracknell, Where have I seen this before? Building mass spectral databases without human effort Euan Ross, Business Development Manager for Chemical Analysis, Waters Ltd., Wilmslow Title to be announced (1) Comprehensive Environmental Mass Spectrometry, Advances Topics in Environmental Science, Albert T. Lebedev, ed. (2012), ILM Publications (St Albans, England ; Glendale, AZ, USA). Peter Baugh at EMSSIG  HYPERLINK "mailto:PeterBaugh682@hotmail.com"PeterBaugh682@hotmail.com ;  HYPERLINK "http://www.analyticalmethodologycentre.co.uk/"www.analyticalmethodologycentre.co.uk ; Dr Chris Wright, Venue Contact,  HYPERLINK "mailto:christopher_wright@bat.com"christopher_wright@bat.com ; Adviser, Prof. Chris Smith c.x.smith@ mmu.ac.uk ; Many thanks to Prof. John Monaghan for his excellent suggestions, re: speakers. *The Environmental Mass Spectrometry Special Interest Group, EMSSIG, is a SIG of the BMSS EMSSIG2014 Programme Schedule, July 09, 2014 Recent Advances in Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric Techniques to Environmental & Food Matrix Analysis. Registration 10.00 10.30 and coffee Chair Dr Chris Wright 10. 30 11.00 Keynote 1. Marc Suter, EAWAG, Switzerland Mass Spectrometry in Ecotoxicology Data systems and instrumental Techniques for Environmental Analysis 11.00 11.20 Peter Russell, ACDLabs Where have I seen this before? Building mass spectral databases without human effort 11.20 11.40 Claudia Martins, THERMO FISHER Recent advances on the use of Orbitrap Mass Analyser associated to Environmental Analysis 11.40 12.00 Laura McGregor, MARKES INT. Select-eV: Increasing dimensionality in GCxGC-TOFMS of environmental contaminants" 12.00 12.20 Simon Thain, Plant Biotechnology, GR&D Cambridge From masses to meanings challenges and solutions in processing and visualising high precision mass spectrometry data sets. Lunch and Exhibition. ACDLabs ; Agilent Tech. ; Buchi ; Hichrom; LGC : Markes Int. ; Thermo Fisher ; Waters Chair Dr Peter Baugh 13.30 14.00 Keynote 2. Steve Rowland, University of Plymouth GCxGC-MS of supercomplex mixtures of organic pollutants: a hump no more! Aspects of Environmental and Food Analysis 14.00 14.20 Sara Stead, WATERS LTD. The identification of environmental pollutants in surface and well water samples using non-targeted QTof based screening and automated data processing 14.20 14.40 Ken Brady, AGILENT Approaches to unknown screening in environmental water samples. 14.40 15.00 Ashley Sage, ABSciex Whats in Your Food?LC-MS/MS Workflows & Tools to Identify and Screen for Known and UnknownResidues with ease. 15.00 15.20 Malcolm Driffield, FERA Mass spectrometric profiling tools to verify the declared origin of timber 15.20 15.40 Tea 15.40 16.00 Anthony Drury, Bruker Daltonics Applying Enhanced Confirmation Criteria for Multi-Residue Pesticide Screening Using of an Ultra-High Performance LC-QToF system 16.00 16.20 Andrew White, BUCHI 16.20 -17.00 Closing Discussion pqrsvwx{ F [ \ ¯{mbUJ?hNCh=CJaJhNCh_iCJaJhNChtNECJ^JaJhNChtNECJaJhahtNE56CJaJ$hahtNE0J6B*CJaJphhwRKha0J6CJaJ$haha0J6B*CJaJphEEE$hahtNE0J6B*CJaJphEEE!hNChtNE0JB*CJaJphEEEhNChtNE5CJaJjhtNEUhYj.hYUhtNEjhtNEUvwyz{\ u  , - zzzz$a$gd_i$a$gd=$a$gkd-$$IfF & "    4ap $$Ifa$\ a n t u   F 3   + ˺xiZK4K-hNCh_i56B*CJPJ\]aJphhNCh_iCJPJ^JaJhwRKh_iCJPJ^JaJhwRKh_iCJPJ^JaJhwRKh(CJPJaJhwRKhtNECJPJaJhwRKh_iCJPJaJhwRKhaCJPJaJhaB*CJPJaJph!hNCh_iB*CJPJaJphhNCh_i5CJ\aJhNCh Xq5CJ\aJhNCh=5CJ\aJha5CJ\aJ+ , }_H1H-hNChXCJKH^JaJfHq -hNCh_iCJKH^JaJfHq :hNCh_iB* CJOJQJ^JaJfHphI}q )hNCh_iCJKHaJfHq )hNCh6CJKHaJfHq )hNChzCJKHaJfHq 5hNChk5B*CJKHaJfHphDDDq hNChXCJPJ^JaJhNCh_iCJPJ^JaJhNCh_iCJaJ .S/0{|%xe$d;-DM a$gda% & F d;-DM gd.!gdk$a$gdk$a$gd_i8d;*$-D1$M ^8gdmM & F d;*$-D1$M gd=$8d;-DM ^8a$gd_i & F d;-DM gd_i$a$  +,.RSn./Ҷo\Q\Q\:,hmMhkCJKHPJ^J_HaJnH tH hNChkCJaJ%hNChkCJaJfHq )hNChkCJKHaJfHq 2hNCh_i56CJKHPJ^J_HaJnH tH /hNCh_i56CJKHaJfHq 6hNCh_iB* CJOJQJaJfHphI}q ,hNCh_iCJKHPJ^J_HaJnH tH ,hNCh_iCJKHPJ^J_HaJnH tH /0x|ѷt_t_M5/hNChkCJKHPJ\^J_HaJnH tH "hNChk5CJOJQJ\aJ)hNChkCJKHaJfHq )hNCha%CJKHaJfHq ,hNCha%5CJKHaJfHq ,hNChk5CJKHaJfHq 3hNChk56CJOJQJaJfHq /hNChk56CJKHaJfHq ,hNChmMCJKHPJ^J_HaJnH tH  #$%,x]E-/hNCha%56CJKHaJfHq /hNCh056CJKHaJfHq 4hNChkCJKHOJPJQJ^J_HaJnH tH ,hNCha%CJKHPJ^J_HaJnH tH ,hNChkCJKHPJ^J_HaJnH tH 4hNCha%CJKHOJPJQJ^J_HaJnH tH hNCha%CJKH\aJ/hNChkCJKHPJ\^J_HaJnH tH /hNCha%CJKHPJ\^J_HaJnH tH /0Vгg\;"0htvhtv0JCJKH\aJfHq @htvhtv0J5B* CJOJQJ\aJfHphUq htvhtvCJaJThmMhmM5B*CJKHOJPJQJ\^J_HaJfHnH phEEEq tH AhmMhmM56B*CJKHPJ\]^J_HaJnH phtH 8hmMhmM56CJKHPJ\]^J_HaJnH tH hmMhNCCJOJQJaJhmMh7xCJaJhmMhNCCJaJhmMhmMCJaJ >T  "Ogd 2$a$gd 2gdUogda% $h^ha$gdX $8^8a$gd K7 $ & F a$gdUo8^8gdtv & F gdtv $d*$1$a$gdmM & F d;-DM gdNCVW5=>ҴoXD4h K7h K756CJKHaJ'h|CJKH^JaJfHq -h K7hUoCJKH^JaJfHq /h K7hUo56CJKHaJfHq )htv56CJKHaJfHq /htvhtv56CJKHaJfHq htvhtv56CJKHaJhtvB*CJKHaJph&&&2htvhtvB*CJKHaJfHph&&&q %htvhtvB*CJOJQJaJph&&& >FISTUY  #θo^P^3(hUohtNECJaJ8hNChtNE56B*CJKHaJfHphDDDq hR B*CJPJaJph!hNChXB*CJPJaJph$hNChX6B*CJPJaJph+hNChX56B*CJOJQJaJphDDDhtvhk56CJKHaJhtvhUo56CJKHaJ+hUohUo56KH^JfHq -h K756CJKH^JaJfHq 3h K7hUo56CJKH^JaJfHq #$QRSlmpq%&'ABELNRTsbO$hUoh00JCJOJQJ^JaJ hUoh00JCJKH^JaJ hUohtNE0JCJKH^JaJ$hUohtNE0JCJOJQJ^JaJ#j#!hUohtNECJUaJhUoh0CJaJ#jV hUohtNECJUaJhUohtNE0JCJaJ#jhUohtNECJUaJhUohtNECJaJjhUohtNECJUaJT`uvx !"OϾm_Lm@5hth 2CJaJh> h 26CJaJ$hth 20J6B*CJaJphhth 20J6CJaJ$hth 20J6B*CJaJphEEEhth 25CJaJhtNE56CJaJhUohk56CJaJhUohtNE56CJaJhUohtNECJaJ hUohi0JCJKH^JaJhUohi0JCJ^JaJ%hUohtNE0JB*CJ^JaJphhUohtNE0JCJ^JaJ1VWF!<_`aܵp^KAhq]h 25^J%hq]h 2CJaJfHq #h 256B*CJ\]aJph)hth 256B*CJ\]aJph hth 256CJ\]aJh 2CJaJ,hth 26CJKHaJfHq hth 2CJaJmHsH/hth 256CJKHaJfHq hth 25CJaJhth 2CJaJh> h 25CJaJ1VWF !`OPeBdgd 2$d;-DM a$gd 2gd 2a"DHNOPes|x`F3hth 256CJOJQJaJfHq /hth 256CJKHaJfHq h> h 25CJaJhfh 256CJaJh 256CJaJhUh 256CJaJh 25CJaJhth 25CJaJhth 2CJaJhrh 25OJQJ^Jh 256CJ^JaJhq]h 25^Jhq]h 256CJ^JaJ*4B;<=`uvʼईzbHbHb2+hth 256CJaJfHq 3hth 20J56CJKHaJfHq /hth 256CJKHaJfHq h h 256CJaJ6h h 256CJOJQJ\aJfHq .hn<h 256CJ\aJfHq hth 256CJaJhh 256CJaJh 2CJaJhth 2CJaJ(hth 25CJaJfHq =`IJ\] RSgdUogd 2GIJ[\]j   "QRSԸԸvh]RhUoh 2CJaJhrh 2CJaJh> h 256CJaJ8h> h 256B*CJ^JaJfHphDDDq 2h 256B*CJ^JaJfHphDDDq hth 2CJaJ7huPh 256B*CJ\aJfHphDDDq 1h 256B*CJ\aJfHphDDDq h 2CJaJhoI~h 2CJaJ,1h/ =!n"n#n$n% .Dd T  0Ab`Ӭq4rCfbD0nZ`Ӭq4rCfPNG  IHDRfԙtEXtSoftwareMicrosoft Office5qPLTE3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙333333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffffff3fffffff3fff̙ffff3fffff3f̙3333f33̙3ff3ffff̙f3f̙3f̙̙3f̙3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3fg'tRNS@f pHYs@@bCc[ cmPPJCmp0712HsIDATx^\A:}|Ӡ6㌶4Y>W9֩m{rx@4֎rs:ax@ !gxæy?yOAX)@|\j}A€x}o%Qg"k&%;3v*xB0g6yh}ݥY1a{ 32aO&_ɿdV2] Qb$BC+ o'x|gk3;fY XZ4U6dgEe-j2kݠf7湏)T?0<=LL< * ܘFHQ~Zba)#~:M 8w;v>$sԕijVr0/k1+Ю("(>/?=ۢ!5;38$Ɉڱmϯv,44`û9ثɨ4h<;uv;]FZ{"1zdMqs{< < nW̸ +Jzvm~<; 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