ࡱ> :<9 wbjbj 4,rrw||4z:::::$r$"III::4mmmIR::mImmm:p)ߤvmJ0zm"R"m"mxDYmLCc zIIII"| : ӰԺ Historical Group Meeting CHEMISTRY AND WORLD WAR 1. Wednesday 22 October 2014. Venues: Burlington House, Piccadilly, London AND Catalyst, Mersey Road, Widnes, WA8 0DF (live streaming). Programme 10.15 Registration and coffee (both venues). 10.30 RSC Historical Group AGM (Burlington House venue only). 10.50 Welcome (Dr John Hudson, Chairman of Historical Group) & Introduction (Peter Reed). 11.00 Dr Michael Freemantle (Science Writer). The Chemists War: 19141918. 11.40 Professor Roy MacLeod (University of Sydney). The Great Munitions Feat: Reflections on Kenneth Quinan, Gretna, and the Imperial Chemical Effort. 12.20 Wheeler Award Lecture: Dr Tony Travis (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Nitrogen, Novel High Pressure ӰԺ and the German War Effort. 1.00 Lunch. This is NOT provided at Burlington House, but there are many cafs and bars close by. Lunch IS provided at Catalyst, and this is included in the cost. Opportunity to look round Catalyst. 2.20 Peter Reed (Independent Researcher). The British Chemical Industry and WW1: The United Alkali Company. 3.00 Dr Erik Langlinay (Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris). The French Chemical Industry and WW1. 3.40 Tea (both venues) 4.00 Dr Viviane Quirke (Oxford Brookes University). ӰԺ, patents and the transformation of the European pharmaceutical industry in WW1. 4.40 Colin Chapman (Chairman, RSC Bristol & District Section). From Bunsen to POWs in Britain: Dr K E Markel, a Chemist in the Great War. 5.20 Concluding Remarks. 5.30 Close of meeting. NB: A free booklet will be available remembering the members of the Chemical Society who gave their lives in WW1. . REGISTRATION FORM (BURLINGTON HOUSE VENUE) The cost of the meeting is 15. To register, please use the form below and send to Professor John Nicholson, School of Sport, Health and Applied Science, St Mary's University College, Waldegrave Road, Strawberry Hill Twickenham TW1 4SX, by Monday 6th October. [john.nicholson@smuc.ac.uk] I wish to attend the meeting on 22 October 2014 at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London. I enclose a cheque for 15 made out to ӰԺ Historical Group. Name Address ................................................................................ EmailAcknowledgement required: Yes/No .. REGISTRATION FORM (CATALYST VENUE) www.catalyst.org.uk The cost of the meeting is 20, which includes lunch and free parking. To register, please use the form below and send to Dr Diana Leitch, 11 Wingate Drive, Didsbury M20 2RT, by Monday 6th October. [diana.leitch@googlemail.com] I wish to attend the meeting on 22 October 2014 at Catalyst Science Discovery Centre, Mersey Road, Widnes. I enclose a cheque for 20 made out to ӰԺ Historical Group. Name Address ................................................................................ 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