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Understanding how the methods and knowledge that have been developed have fed into the daily routine of conservation work 10.50 11.15 Dr Vincent Daniels, (Research fellow at the RCA/V&A). The changing appearance of objects Coffee Break: 11.15 -11.40 11.40 12.05 Bronwyn Ormsby, Tate Gallery. The Tate AXA Art Modern Paints Project the Conservation of Acrylic Emulsion Paints 12.10 12.35 Helen Hughes, English Heritage. Theory and Practical Work There is a link Lunch: 12.35 to 13.50 Session Two: The Conservation of Heritage Projects, Chaired by Katharine St Paul, Curator of Collections at the RI. 13.50 14.15 MLA Prism Fund and Angela Karsten, English Heritage. Conservation of the RIs Scientific Collection 14.20 14.55 Rupert Harris, Rupert Harris Conservation. Treatment of the Grand Staircase Metalwork and an overview of the problems associated with the conservation of English 18th Century Lead garden Sculpture 15.00 15.25 Mark Sandiford & Daniel Gillberg, Sandiford & Mapes. Kinkarakami at the RI Coffee Break: 15.25 - 15.50 Session Three: Project Management of Heritage, Chaired by Prof. Frank James, Head of Collections at the RI 15.50 16.15 Katharine St Paul, Curator of Collections. From Faraday to Japanese wallpaper, an overview of the RIsHeritage project 16.20 16.45 Lenore Symons, RI Archivist. Conservation in Contextthe RI archives Experience 16.50 17.15 Anthony Peers, Rodney Melville & Partners, Conservation Planning: documentary research and fabric analysis in forming the process of change 17.20 17.45 Prof. Frank James, RI. Reflections on the Royal Institutions rle in the history of conservation This meeting is sponsored by Royal & Sun Alliance, held jointly with the Historical Group of the ӰԺ and in association with MLA Prism Fund. * Registration for the meeting including, lunch, coffee, tea and the evening reception, is 40 to RSC Historical Group members and 70 to RSC members (concessions and RI members 40). There will be an evening reception with wine and canaps on Thursday July 24th from 1830-2030 at the Royal Institution, to be opened by the Director, Professor Baroness Greenfield CBE; the cost is included in the registration fee. Please register at www.rigb.org, click the Events button at the top of the page, then Events calendar and July, then either choose meeting/event or meeting only. If choosing the rate for RSCHG members select concessions. For RSC members who are not concessions, RSCHG or RI members the cost is 70. For RSCHG members only, if you do not wish to use online registration, please send a cheque (payable to the Royal Institution) to Katharine St Paul, Curator of Collections, the Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4BS. If you do write in please confirm if you also wish to attend the evening event on Thursday the 24th July. You can also contact Katharine at  HYPERLINK "mailto:kstpaul@ri.ac.uk" kstpaul@ri.ac.uk or on 0207 670 2923. cf    ĵteRG:G+Gh <h7B*CJaJphh7h75B*phh <h7B*ph%h <h7B*CJaJnH phtH h <h7B*nH phtH &h7h75>*B*\nH phtH h7B*nH phtH h@5B*\nH phtH #h <h75B*\nH phtH h75B*\nH phtH #h7h756B*nH phtH %h"A,h7B*CJ$aJ$nH phtH +h"A,h75B*CJ$\aJ$nH phtH c  M Z [ @ A gdM;gd+Wg^gd7 @&^gd+Wg@&gd7 p^p`gd7p^pgd7gd7$dd[$\$a$gdM$dd[$\$a$gd7$a$gd7      " # $ = Y Z [ b i k o u | ? @ A 虑}pcTh <h+WgB*CJaJphh+Wgh76B*phh+Wgh+Wg6B*phh~dh+WgB*phh~dh+Wg0Jh7h76h7h76B*phh7B*CJaJph h^Rh7 h^RhM; h^Rhhh75B*phh <h7B*CJaJphh7B*phh <h7B*phh7h75B*ph A H O a c d G M S T Z [ c i y z { 싄wj_Rh"A,h"A,>*B*phhhh7B*phhhhh6B*phhhh76B*ph h^Rh38hhB*ph h <h7hgh7B*CJaJphh"A,h7>*B*phh7h7B*phh7h76B*phhM;B*ph h^RhM; h^Rh7hM;B*phh7B*phh <h7B*ph G M 4 5 |}^gd7 xh^x`hgd7@ @&^@ `gd 8@ @&^@ `gd 8@ @&^@ `gdh@ @&^@ `gd7gdh$ X^ `Xa$gd7gd7@&gd7 @&`gd7 ( 2 3 4 C L U e f w x +,z~tg]gUUMMhhh76h7B*phhM;6B*phhhh76B*phh7B*\ph h^Rh 8hhB*phh 8B*phhh7B*phh <h7B*ph h^Rhh h^RhM; h^Rh7h 85B*phhh5B*phh <h75B*phh 8h7B*phhhh7B*phh"A,B*phz{|}'2bcdghopxqxii\hhh76B*phh7B*ph h^Rhh h^Rh7h <h75B*phhh5B*phh`#5B*phh 85B*phh"A,5B*phh"A,h7>*B*phhhB*phhhh76 hh6 hM;6h 8h7h <h7B*phhhh7B*ph h <h7"}'cdJKVWX^gd7 ^`gd7gdh @&`gd@@&gd"A, @&`gdh@&gd7gdM;  3456?IJNOVW $24UVXƾƾưƨܠƾƾƑƾƨܠ} h^R6h^Rhh6 h^Rhh h^Rh7h^Rh@6h^Rh76hhB*phhhB*\nH phtH h7B*phh <h7B*phhhh7B*phhhh76B*phhhhh6B*phhh6B*ph.XIJL&<PRļԸߴ㰬㜓~tpibp[ h_VhJS h_Vh_V hIhJShIh"A,5B*phh +h:L0J5\hi@0J5\h^R0J5\h:Lh:L0J5\hi@heh +h0h}1h}1B*phh0B*phh`#B*phh`#h`#B*phh`# h:Lh:Lh"A,h7 h"A,h"A, h"A,h7"KL  X^ `Xgd7@&gdJS @&`gd_V @&`gdO@&gd7gd`#@&gd + ]px23mv '.3BSfh縰uh_VhO0JH*\h_VhO0J\h_Vh%30J\h_Vh00J\h_VhJS0J\ h_Vhfh_Vh}1>*h_Vh%3>* h_Vh`# h_Vh}1 h_Vh_V h_Vh0hI h_Vh%3 h_Vhq h_VhJShe h_VhO.hno|ȫᣛh h <h7h <h"A,5hOh"A,5hOhJS5h_VhJS0J>*B*phjh_VhJSUjh_VhJS0JU\h_Vh%30J\h_VhJS0J\h_Vh_V0J\h_VhO0J\21h:p"A,. 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