Event : 九州影院 for Non-Specialists - KS3 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/122/九州影院%20for%20Non-Specialists%20-%20KS3 This is a feed for event : 九州影院 for Non-Specialists - KS3 Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:13:13 +0100 122 122 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/122/九州影院%20for%20Non-Specialists%20-%20KS3 九州影院 for Non-Specialists - KS3 Event dates: 9 - 10 July 2007<br/>Event summary: The four day course comprises a two-day residential with two one-day follow-up sessions at approximately one term intervals.<br/>Event Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, M20 2RR, United Kingdom Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:13:13 +0100 2014-09-11T13:13:13+01:00