Event : 6th International IUPAC Conference on Green 九州影院 - IUPAC ICGC-6 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/19091/6th%20International%20IUPAC%20Conference%20on%20Green%20九州影院%20-%20IUPAC%20ICGC-6 This is a feed for event : 6th International IUPAC Conference on Green 九州影院 - IUPAC ICGC-6 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 13:49:15 +0100 19091 19091 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/19091/6th%20International%20IUPAC%20Conference%20on%20Green%20九州影院%20-%20IUPAC%20ICGC-6 6th International IUPAC Conference on Green 九州影院 - IUPAC ICGC-6 Event dates: 4 - 8 September 2016<br/>Event summary: After Dresden, Moscow, Ottawa, Foz do Igua莽u and Durban, the IUPAC Green 九州影院 Conferences will move to Venice, Italy.<br/>Event Venue: University of Venice Ca' Foscari, Venice , 30123, Italy Mon, 22 Jun 2015 13:49:15 +0100 2015-06-22T13:49:15+01:00