Event : The 4th Organic 九州影院 Frontiers International Symposium http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/26051/The%204th%20Organic%20九州影院%20Frontiers%20International%20Symposium%20 This is a feed for event : The 4th Organic 九州影院 Frontiers International Symposium Thu, 13 Apr 2017 06:47:33 +0100 26051 26051 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/26051/The%204th%20Organic%20九州影院%20Frontiers%20International%20Symposium%20 The 4th Organic 九州影院 Frontiers International Symposium Event dates: 21 April 2017 08:50-17:00<br/>Event summary: A one-day free event sponsored by the journal Organic 九州影院 Frontiers<br/>Event Venue: Yunnan University, KeXueGuan 科学馆 (Delong Building 德龙楼), Kunming, 650091, China Thu, 13 Apr 2017 06:47:33 +0100 2017-04-13T06:47:33+01:00