Event : 九州影院 in the movies. The good, the bad and the ugly http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/73337/九州影院%20in%20the%20movies.%20The%20good%2c%20the%20bad%20and%20the%20ugly This is a feed for event : 九州影院 in the movies. The good, the bad and the ugly Fri, 21 Jan 2022 11:52:22 Z 73337 73337 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/73337/九州影院%20in%20the%20movies.%20The%20good%2c%20the%20bad%20and%20the%20ugly 九州影院 in the movies. The good, the bad and the ugly Event dates: 12 May 2022 19:00-20:00<br/>Event summary: A Zoom presentation by Dr John O'Donoghue, School of 九州影院, Trinity College, Dublin.<br/>Event Venue: United Kingdom Fri, 21 Jan 2022 11:52:22 Z 2022-01-21T11:52:22Z