Submitter details are not available. Please go back to previous step

Key information about your event

Event title: This is the name of your event, which will appear in all listings and in your web page URL. Please enter the full event title without abbreviations. We advise that the title is a maximum of 100 characters including spaces

Short summary: This will appear as additional event information in some enhanced listings. It will not appear in your event web page. We advise that the summary is a maximum of 200 characters including spaces.

Event details: This will appear as the introduction text on your event's web page. Please include key information about your event here including themes and topics, aims and objectives, who the event will appeal to, registration details, programme structure and social events, call for papers and abstract submission.

Event title *
Short summary*
Event details*

Limited formatting tools are available to enhance your listing (bold, italics and bullet points). You can also create headings by selecting the ‘Heading’ option from the format drop down box.

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy)*
Start time (hh:mm, 24-hour format)

End date (dd/mm/yyyy)*
End time (hh:mm, 24-hour format)


This gives you the option to highlight the key deadlines for your event. These dates will appear on the event page and provide an iCalendar application allowing people to easily download and save the deadline into their diaries.

Oral abstract

Poster abstract

Early bird registration

Standard registration

Other deadline
Include the title of this deadline

Useful URLs

Event information URL, eg https://www.myevent.org: Link to an externally-hosted web page about your event from here

Booking or registration URL, eg https://www.myevent.org/register: Link to the booking page of an externally-hosted web page about your event from here

Event information URL

eg https://www.myevent.org

Booking registration URL

eg https://bookformyevent.co.uk

File uploads

You can select up to 20 documents (eg registration form, joining instructions document) to upload to your web page. Permitted file types are Word/PDF/XLS/PPT/PUB, and there is a 10Mb limit for each file

Choose a document to upload, and provide a description of the document