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Definitions Scholar Means the holder of an Outreach Scholarship, including a team of up to three people Scholarship Means an Outreach Scholarship Home Country Means the United Kingdom (UK) or the Republic of Ireland (RoI) of which the Scholar is a citizen Home Institution Means the industrial, academic or public service organisation which employs the Scholar in the UK or RoI Host Institution Means the Higher Education Institute (HEI) or Research and Training Organisation (RTO) or other organisation in a Developing World country Developing World Means economies classified by the World Bank as Low Income Economies; Appendix I Trust Administrator Means the Administrator of the Analytical ӰԺ Trust Fund Trustees Means the Trustees of the Analytical ӰԺ Trust Fund Work Programme Means the programme of work or study to be undertaken by the Scholar during the period of the Scholarship Applicant Means a team of up to three people who fulfill the eligibility requirements Purpose The purpose of the Outreach Scholarship scheme is to provide the opportunity for citizens of the UK or RoI who are employed in their industrial, academic or public service sectors, or have recently retired from the same, to visit a Host Institution in a Developing World country to disseminate new analytical science knowledge, or experience of analytical science teaching, learning or training methods, which would be applied in the Developing World country. The emphasis would be very much on achieving a practical and beneficial impact in the Developing World country, rather than on purely academic research. Eligibility of Applicant Applicants shall be citizens the UK or RoI or have a relevant connection with the UK or RoI. Applicants shall be employed in or recently retired from industry, academia or the public service in the UK or RoI or normally be a registered post graduate student at a university or college in the UK or RoI. Applicants shall supply written confirmation of their employment in industry, academia or the public service or student status in the UK or RoI. Unless already a member, Scholars shall apply for Membership of the ӰԺ and its Analytical Science Community within one month prior to the commencement of the scholarship. Application forms can be found at:-  HYPERLINK "http://www.rsc.org/Membership/join/admission/index.asp" http://www.rsc.org/Membership/join/admission/index.asp Applicants shall hold a recognised under- or post-graduate qualification in analytical chemistry / science or a subject closely related to analytical chemistry / science, or shall demonstrate a long term interest and record of achievement in analytical chemistry / science. Applicants shall be 21 years of age or over. Current and former Scholars are not eligible to apply for a second scholarship. Scholarship Work Programme Each Scholarship shall be for a period of not more than three months. Applicants shall submit a comprehensive Work Programme for the full period of the Scholarship. Applicants, in consultation with the Host Institution, are free to choose the subject of the Work Programme, provided that:- The principal objective of the Work Programme is to disseminate new analytical chemistry / science knowledge, or experience of analytical chemistry / science teaching, learning or training methods in a Developing World country; There is a clear strategy for applying and exploiting the results in the Developing World country; The subject should be of social or economic or educational or environmental significance to the Developing World country. Preference will be given to Work Programmes that are likely to achieve a practical and beneficial social or economic or educational or environmental impact in the Developing World country, rather than on purely academic research. The Work Programme shall be conducted largely at the Host Institution. Exceptionally, other organisations outside the above definition of a Host Institution shall be considered; for example, a related hospital. The Host Institution shall provide written confirmation of its acceptance of and support for the applicants Work Programme. The Scholar shall provide the Trust Administrator with a comprehensive report of the Scholarship within one month of the end of the Scholarship. Scholars are expected to devote themselves full-time to their Work Programme. Finance The total value of the Scholarship will not normally exceed 5,000, including items specified in Sections 4.2.1 to 4.2.4 below. It is presumed that the Scholar will continue to be paid their normal salary or stipend by their UK or RoI institution or organisation during the period of their Scholarship. The Trustees will pay for:- The cost of the Scholar only to travel from the UK or RoI to the Host Institution and back once only, by economy class travel. The cost of the Scholars board and lodging in the Developing World country. The cost of the Scholars visas, insurance, travel and subsistence directly connected with the Work Programme within the Developing World country. The cost of consumable materials directly connected with the Scholars Work Programme up to a maximum of 400 per month. Normally 90% of the grant will be paid in advance directly to the Scholars Home Institution, on invoice to the Trust Administrator. The remaining 10% will be paid on invoice to the Trust Administrator following receipt of the Scholar's report. The Home Institution shall be responsible for disbursing funds to the Scholar as appropriate. The mode and currency of payment will be agreed with the Scholar and the Home Institution. Only exceptionally will the grant be paid to the Scholar personally. If not paid directly to the Scholars Home Institution, 90% of the grant will be paid in advance to the Scholars bank account. The remaining 10% will be paid following receipt of the Scholar's report. The mode and currency of payment will be agreed with the Scholar. Applicants, in consultation with the Host Institution, shall provide a comprehensive budget for all cost elements of the scholarship. The Scholar, in consultation with the Host Institution, shall be responsible for:- Making arrangements for the conduct of the Work Programme at the Host Institution. If required, work permit, visa and immigration clearance with the Developing World country authorities. Travel arrangements from and to their Home Country and within the Developing World country. Their own domestic arrangements while in the Developing World country. Insurance of their travel costs, personal belongings and medical requirements while travelling to and resident in the Developing World country. Within two months of the end of the Scholarship, the Home Institution or the Host Institution shall provide the Trust Administrator with a statement of expenditure supported by receipts. Money unspent at the end of the Scholarship shall be returned to the Trust Administrator. For the avoidance of doubt, the Trustees will not pay the Host Institutions or the Home Institutions registration fee or bench fee or overhead charge. The Host Institution and the Home Institution must confirm in writing its acceptance of this condition. References Applicants shall supply references from:- A senior member of their Home Institution, giving written permission for the Scholar to undertake the Scholarship. A senior member of the Host Institution, who must confirm in writing that it will offer the necessary facilities for conducting the Work Programme. The names of at least two independent referees, one of whom at least will be approached by the Trust Administrator. They should be well acquainted with the applicants work and be prepared to referee the applicants application. They should not be either of the persons named above. They should not be members of the applicants Home Institution, nor should they be members of the Host Institution. Miscellaneous A scholarship may be terminated or its conditions varied, at any time at the discretion of the Trustees. The decision of the Trustees is final. The Trustees reserve the right to make no award. Any Scholar whose progress or conduct does not satisfy the Trustees shall have the grant terminated. If a Scholar, for any reason, ceases to undertake the Work Programme the Trustees must be informed immediately in writing. Where possible, at least one months notice should be given of any material change in the Scholars or the Work Programmes circumstances. Scholars should seek to publish the results of their Scholarship in accordance with normal academic practice, preferably in RSC journals. The Scholar, the Home Institution and the Host Institution shall acknowledge the support of the Analytical ӰԺ Trust Fund in all publications and materials resulting from the Scholarship. The Trustees accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure by the Scholar or the Host Institution in addition to the Scholarship grant, or liability arising from the Scholarship. Contact For further information and an application form, contact the Administrator:- Dr Ruth Hearn E-mail: ruth@rhearn.net APPENDIX I - World Bank Classification of Low income Economies AfghanistanGuinea-BissauSierra LeoneBeninHaitiSomaliaBurkina FasoKorea, Dem. People's Rep.South SudanBurundiLiberiaSyrian Arab RepublicCentral African RepublicMadagascarTajikistanChadMalawiTanzaniaCongo, Dem. Rep.MaliTogoEritreaMozambiqueUgandaEthiopiaNepalYemen, Rep.Gambia, TheNigerGuineaRwanda  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT   Analytical ӰԺ Trust Fund Registered Charity Number 268893  Outreach Scholarship - Application Form 1. ApplicantName:Private Address:(In UK or RoI)Telephone:E-mail:Business Address:(Home Institution in the UK or RoI)Telephone:E-mail:Website (if any):Your CV: (Please supply a CV of not more than 1 page, detailing your education and employment since leaving school. The box to the right will expand as you type.)>Nationality:RSC Membership: (Check one box)Affiliate:AMRSC:MRSC:FRSC:Non-member:2. The Host Institution (in a Developing World Country)The Host Institution shall supply written confirmation to the Trust Administrator of its acceptance of the Applicants Work ProgrammeContact Name:Address:Telephone:FAX:E-mail:Website (if any):4. The Work ProgrammeWork Programme Title:Start Date:End Date:Work Programme:Please provide a comprehensive description of the Work Programme, not more than 3 pages, including aim, objectives, details of the Work Programme, deliverables, reports and plan for dissemination and application in the Developing World country. The box below will expand as you type.> 5. Budget (United Kingdom applicants, GB only. Republic of Ireland applicants, Euro only)Specify Currency (check one box):GB:Euro:Travel from UK or RoI to Host Institution:Board and lodging in Developing World country:Travel and subsistence in Developing World country:Consumables:Other Costs 1:Specify >Other Costs 2:Specify >Other Costs 3:Specify >Total:6. ReferencesPlease supply contact details for the following referees:- A senior member of your Home Institution in the UK or RoI A senior member of the Host Institution in a Developing World country Two independent refereesHome Institution Referee; Name:Address:Telephone:E-mail:Host Institution Referee; Name:Address:Telephone:E-mail:Independent Referee 1; Name:Address:Telephone:E-mail:Independent Referee 2; Name:Address:Telephone:E-mail:7. PublicationsList your published work, if any, relevant to this application. The box below will expand as you type: >8. DeclarationI apply to the Analytical ӰԺ Trust Fund for an Outreach Scholarship. I understand that any mis-statement shall render me ineligible. Date: Name: Signature: This form must be returned to the Trust Administrator by e-mail ruth@rhearn.net Dr Ruth Hearn      PAGE  PAGE 5 Registered Charity Number 268893 Registered Charity Number 268893  !ABXYef   r s   b { | |||kk hoh^CJOJQJ^JaJh^5CJOJQJ^JaJ h h^CJOJQJ^JaJh^CJOJQJ^JaJ+hY h^5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH %h^5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH jhUmHnHuh^jh^UmHnHuh^jh^U* !ABXYefr s  b { | $^`a$gd^$a$gd^$a$gd^gd^$a$gd^|    $ L M   c d e m n ;L򰝝򝝈vvvv"h^CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hY h^CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH %h^5CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  hoh^CJOJQJ^JaJh*CJOJQJ^JaJ)h*h^B*CJOJQJ^JaJphh^CJOJQJmH sH h^CJOJQJ^JaJ. 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