Registration is now open to join our science culture focus groups
Share your views on what a positive science culture should look like for the chemical sciences
Are you interested in contributing to a vision for a positive science culture, that can set a shared direction for the chemical sciences? This is your opportunity to contribute to the vision our community should aspire to, what it means in practice, and how it can be achieved.
We are looking to gather your views on an initial draft vision via your participation in one of two focus groups:
We want to ensure a diverse range of views are heard and encourage groups whose views’ we are not always are able to capture to join us. Early-career researchers, scientists in minority groups, scientists in non-academic settings, scientists outside the UK – we are keen to hear from you.
To join one of the focus groups, you can .
A science culture vision for the chemical sciences
Science culture encompasses the behaviours, values, expectations, attitudes and norms of our science communities and influences science career paths. Themes under the science culture umbrella, that will feature during the focus groups, include inclusion & diversity; research integrity; open science; career development; and recognition of scientists.
Building on RSC activities exploring the cultural conditions that will best enable quality science and taking inspiration from good practice examples in the science community, we have started to develop a science culture vision for the chemical sciences.
Our initial vision formulates a definition of a positive science culture and describes its characteristics; accessible, inclusive and collaborative; ethical, open and responsible; and safe and supportive. It describes how such characteristics can be incentivised through recognition. It details the benefits of achieving each element of the vision for science, and ultimately for the benefit of society.
How your inputs will inform our work
Informed by your inputs, we will refine our draft vision to ensure it reflects/considers the views of our community. We are set to launch it later in 2023, to set a shared direction for positive change. The launch of our shared vision will go hand in hand with spreading resources and good examples towards achieving the vision and will enable us to identify further actions we can take to establish a positive science culture in the chemical sciences.