Many of our interest groups administer their own prizes that recognise significant contributions to their fields and areas of interest. For more details, explore our list of interest groups, or the list below.
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The Allan Ure Memorial Bursary is awarded to a scientist, at the start of their career, who has made a significant contribution to knowledge in the area of the application of atomic spectrometry to environmental science. |
The Applied Catalysis Award aims to recognise the impact of significant contributions to the field of applied catalysis typically where research and development has potential or actual commercial application. |
The Becquerel Medal is awarded to a scientist who over a significant period of time has made an outstanding contribution in research and or teaching in radiochemistry. |
The Bill Newton Award/Lectureship is presented to an individual for a recent outstanding contribution to any aspect of radiochemistry. |
The BMCS Lectureship recognizes those who have made a significant advance in the subject through developing new products or methods. |
This is an individual award to recognize prominence and significant, sustained, scientific impact in the field of medicinal chemistry, agriscience or chemical biology, including teaching excellence, outstanding contributions to the BMCS, or any combination thereof. |
The Bob Hay Lectureship is given in memory of Professor Bob Hay, one of the pioneers of macrocyclic chemistry in the UK. This lecture is given annually by a chemist in the early stages of their career working in the area of macrocyclic and/or supramolecular chemistry in its widest sense. |
BRSG-NMRDG Prize for Excellent Contribution to Magnetic Resonance This award is presented to an early career researcher for excellence in the field of magnetic resonance. |
The Brian Kelly Award is intended as a travel grant for students and early career researchers with up to ten years postdoctoral experience to attend the annual World Carbon Conference. |
The Bruker Thesis Prize recognises outstanding work by PhD students in the field of ESR Spectroscopy. |
The Bruker Prize and Lecture recognises a scientist who has made a major scientific contribution to the field of ESR spectroscopy. |
The BTM Willis Award is awarded to an individual in recognition of a single outstanding piece of work, or a longer term coherent body of work, in the application of neutron scattering science. |
The Capps Green Zomaya Award recognises work in medicinal or computational medicinal chemistry. |
Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Group Lectureship This lectureship from the RSC Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Group (CBBG) is to recognise the excellent contributions of mid-career scientists to both research and to the UK community in chemical biology and bioorganic chemistry. |
The Cyril Keattch Award is made biennially to an outstanding early career scientist working in the field of thermal analysis or calorimetry to enable them to present a paper based on their work at an international conference. |
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Dextra Carbohydrate 九州影院 Award The Dextra Carbohydrate 九州影院 Award is presented to a scientist in the early/mid stage of their career for outstanding work in carbohydrate chemistry that has largely been conducted in the UK. |
The Duncan Bryant Award is awarded to young analytical scientists working or studying in the pharmaceutical sector. |
The Elizabeth Colbourn Memorial Lectures are awarded by the organisers of the Formulation Science and Technology Group (FSTG) conferences where the lecture will add another dimension to the conference theme. |
Energy Sector PhD Thesis Award The Energy Sector PhD Thesis Award recognises the best PhD thesis in the field of 九州影院 for the Energy Sector. |
The Faraday Medal is awarded to outstanding achievements made by a researcher (mid-career) from outside of the UK and Republic of Ireland. |
Felix Franks Biotechnology Medal The Felix Franks Biotechnology Medal is to encourage and recognise excellence in early career scientists in the application of chemical sciences to the study of any aspect of Biotechnology. |
The Fluorine 九州影院 Award recognises the most outstanding contribution of a younger chemist, working in any area of fluorine chemistry. |
The Food Group Early Career Medal is awarded for the most outstanding contribution to food chemistry on the basis of published papers and/or other documentary evidence over the preceding five years. |
The RSC Food Group Open Medal is awarded for outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences in the area of food chemistry. |
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The Geoffrey Barker Medal is awarded to an electrochemist working in the UK or Ireland in recognition of their contributions to any field of electrochemistry. |
Geoffrey Phillips Analytical Science Award The Geoffrey Phillips Analytical Science Award is given to an early career stage researcher in the field of pharmaceutical analytical science. |
The Haworth Memorial Lectureship is awarded in recognition of sustained, internationally recognised contributions to carbohydrate chemistry. |
The IBDG Early Career Award is made every two years for outstanding contributions to any area of biological inorganic chemistry or inorganic biochemistry. |
The IBDG Investigator Award is made every two years for outstanding contributions to any area of biological inorganic chemistry or inorganic biochemistry. |
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Group Young Investigator Award The Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Young Investigator Award is awarded annually to recognise excellence in the field by those in the early stages of their career. |
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The JEOL Prize competition is open to PhD students and to postdoctoral researchers in their first year of work. This prize is given at the ESR Spectroscopy Group annual international meeting. |
The Jon Weaver PhD Award is presented to a PhD student who has displayed an outstanding ability in the field of polymer science. |
The Katharine Burr Blodgett Award is given annually to honour a researcher working in the field of colloid and interface science and who was awarded a PhD degree within the past year. |
The Knox Medal is awarded to honour individuals deserving special recognition of their innovation or influential work in the field of separation science. |
The Lennard–Jones Lectureship and Award is awarded to a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. |
The L S Theobald Lectureship is awarded to someone who has made a significant contribution to analytical chemistry in an area relevant to the work of the Analytical Methods Committee. |
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The Macro Group UK Medal is awarded to a UK-based scientist who has made a significant and substantial contribution to the development of polymer science through their scientific achievements and their services to the UK polymer science community. |
Macro Group UK Medal for Outstanding Achievement The Macro Group UK Medal for Outstanding Achievement is awarded to a scientist, from any country, who is recognised internationally for their continued, outstanding achievements in the field of polymer science. |
Macro Group UK Young Researchers' Medal The Macro Group UK Young Researchers' Medal is awarded to an early career UK-based scientist whose contributions to polymer science show outstanding promise for the future. |
Macrocyclic and Supramolecular 九州影院 Group Thesis Award The MASC Group Thesis Award is open to doctoral students working in the area of macrocyclic and/or supramolecular chemistry in its widest sense. |
The Malcolm Campbell Memorial Award is awarded for outstanding research in chemistry and its application to the understanding of bioactivity. |
The McBain Medal recognises the contribution of younger talent in the field of colloid, interface and surface science. |
Medimmune Protein and Peptide Science Award The Medimmune Protein and Peptide Science Award is presented to a scientist in recognition of excellence in any area of protein and peptide science. |
The Michael J Gait Lectureship, sponsored by Idera Pharmaceuticals, honours world-renowned scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the areas of the chemistry and/or biochemistry of nucleic acids. |
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The Polanyi Medal is awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of Gas Kinetics. |
Polymer Physics Group Award for Best Student Publication This award is for the best publication in a journal on a topic of relevance to polymer physics. |
Radiochemistry Group Young Researcher's Award This award is presented to a young researcher in the field of radiochemistry. |
The Roger Parsons Medal is awarded to an independent early career electrochemist working in the UK or Ireland in recognition of their contributions to any field of electrochemistry. |
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The Sheelagh Campbell Award is awarded to an individual studying towards a PhD in a UK or Irish university or research institute, in the broad area of electrochemical science. |
The award is awarded biennially to an exceptional scientist, in the early stages of their career, working in the broadly defined area of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. |
Sir Eric Rideal Award and Lecture The Sir Eric Rideal Award and Lecture is awarded to a scientist for their significant and sustained contribution to the field of the colloid, interface and surface science community. |
The Thermo-Hilger Award is an award for young scientists who are judged to have made a major contribution to analytical atomic spectroscopy. |
The Thomas Graham Lecture is awarded triennially to an outstanding mid-career researcher in the field of colloid, interface and surface science. |
These awards recognise individuals who have made an outstanding lifelong contribution using or developing the chemical sciences within any of the fields of maintenance and improvement of public health; sustainability and access to water resources; and the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the water cycle. |
The Wheeler Lecture celebrates the outstanding contributions of an individual to the history of chemistry. |