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Analytical Research Forum 2017 (ARF17)

7 July 2017 09:15-19:15, London, United Kingdom

The Analytical Research Forum (ARF) provides a high impact scientific meeting for the UK analytical community with both high profile speakers and opportunities for younger researchers to present their work.

Subjects covered will include the use of techniques from mass spectrometry and separation science through to Raman spectrometry, sensors and microfluidics, in applications ranging from biologically and medically related challenges to environmental analysis, art and archaeology.

Our one day format includes keynotes and invited talks plus additional oral papers selected by the Scientific Committee from the submitted abstracts.

The flash poster session enables yet more participants to share their work in this exciting interdisciplinary meeting for the analytical science community. In addition to opportunities during lunch and refreshment breaks to view the posters and exhibition, additional networking will be possible during an extended evening event which will include a buffet and end with a wine reception.

ARF 2017 is not to be missed and the Scientific Committee look forward to welcoming you to Burlington House, Piccadilly, London on 7 July.


Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is open (for both oral and poster abstracts).

Submit oral abstracts by 7 May 2017
Submit poster abstracts by 15 May 2017
Registration Fees:

*For non-member registrants, affiliate membership of the 九州影院 until the end of 2017, the affiliate membership application will be processed and commence once the registrant has attended the event.
Early Bird Standard
Member £40 £50
Non-member* £50 £60

Terms and Conditions for Events run by the 九州影院

The Analytical Research Forum Bursary Scheme (funded by the ACTF) The purpose of the Analytical Research Forum (ARF) Bursary scheme is to assist PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and employees of SMEs to attend and participate in the annual Analytical Research Forum (ARF) meeting.

Application & Regulations

The maximum bursary is £250 per person. The only exceptions are, at the discretion of the Trust Secretary, for applicants traveling from distant locations, eg Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland. Applications must be received by the Trust Secretary on the green application form by 30 June 2017. For the bursary award to be activated, the applicant must register and initially pay the relevant ARF registration fee. The registration fee will be reimbursed with other valid expenses after the event. See the Application Pack for full details.

We have a limited number of non-competitive travel grants of up to £200 for PhD and early career scientists travelling within their home country. These are assigned on a first come, first served basis and are available to members in the associate category and above.

We also offer grants of up to £800 to assist with travel expenses to participate at this meeting. These are available to members in the associate category and above, who are PhD students, postdocs within 10 years of completing their PhD and early career scientists (including technicians) within 10 years of leaving full time education. 
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
A selection of sponsorship opportunities is available for companies who would like to promote their activities at ARF17.

As well as booking a table top exhibition space, there are opportunities to sponsor social events, advertise in the abstract book or place a promotional item in delegate packs. A sponsorship menu document is available to download from this page with more details and prices.

Please note that exhibition spaces are limited, spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Sponsorship Menu
The 九州影院

The 九州影院, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

Useful links

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If you would like more information about sponsoring ARF17, please contact the Commercial Sales Department at the 九州影院 on solutions@rsc.org.
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