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FDA & CFIA 2016 Regulatory Changes/Updates -By AtoZ Compliance

16 February 2017 13:00-14:00, United Kingdom

Key Take Away :

This webinar will cover the 2016 regulatory changes and updates for the FDA(US Food and Drug Administration) compliance programs and the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) since 2016 is a banner year for updates and changes for both agencies.

Overview :

The US FDA regulatory compliance training and Canada’s CFIA training have moved from paper based reporting to each countries’ respective single window system. Many of the old forms have been replaced with electronic formats. 
The FDA is requiring all foreign food based businesses to re-register, and Health Canada has many changes as well. 
Learn what you need to update your business and keep up with all the new changes.

Why Should You Attend :

The webinar will cover the changes the USFDA is putting in place to report through Customs ACE reporting tool. It will cover the Canadian GMO rules. What do these agencies have in common and where do they differ? This can save companies from duplicating internal restrictions and possible violations from assumptions. 
The webinar will cover a brief history of both agencies. What is the mission of each agency, do they differ?Are there new restrictions for importing and exporting? Determine if new labelling requirements will affect your products. What authority do these agencies have and how can they enforce regulations? 
The webinar will cover new and updated product code classifications as well as recall protocol. Staying ahead of changes can keep you compliant and your business’s reputation clean. What’s next for these agencies? Determine if your current compliance programs are sufficient. New requirements and regulations can keep you scrambling, this webinar will help you stay ahead of the game.

Areas Covered In This Webinar :

The latest regulatory changes and requirements
Learn the latest terminology and acronyms
How does this affect global trade facilitation?
Determine current risk level and how to remain compliant
Learn the latest product marking requirements
Determine if your medical devices are marked and registered compliantly
Changes from June, July, August, and upcoming important dates

Learning Objectives :

Understanding the latest changes and legal requirements
Understand when changes and reporting requirements become mandatory
Determine software updates, availability, and requirements
Product marking and registration requirements
Identify other governmental agency requirements
Learn what reports are available
Learn how your broker, forwarder, and legal counsel can help

Who Will Benefit :

Internal regulatory departments
Validation specialists
Documentation specialists
Quality control professionals
Medical devices professionals
FDA professionals
Finance professionals
Global tax professionals
Trade compliance professionals
Logistics managers
Company compliance officers
Import/export professionals
Global trade professionals
Brokers and forwarders
Professionals who are looking for risk reduction, time and cost savings
Companies engaged in global trade
For more information, please visit : https://www.atozcompliance.com/trainings-webinar/cross-industry-functions/trade-and-logistics/compliance-in-fda-and-cfia-2016-regulatory-updates-and-changes/grant-smith/300204
Email: support@atozcompliance.com 
Toll Free: +1- 844-414-1400
Tel: +1-516-900-5509

Speakers Profile :

Grant Smith
Grant Smith an International trade consultant is the owner of Grant Smith Consulting, LLC. Mr. Smith is a trade compliance professional with 30 years of experience in global logistics and trade compliance. 
A licensed customs broker and certified customs specialist, Mr Smith is also IATA and DOT Certified. He has been working for global corporations, implementing trade programs and providing training in multiple regions internationally.

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United Kingdom

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AtoZ Compliance
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