Welcome to the latest RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship, sponsored by Journal of Materials ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº A, B & C
The ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº is delighted to announce our inaugural free, online-only RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship Series, featuring virtual talks by our recent journal lectureship winners. Each session will include an introductory talk by a journal board member as well as the lectureship winner. The RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship Series is an effort to not only replace in-person research seminars during the current pandemic situation but to also expand access for researchers around the world looking to connect to some of the leading minds in the chemical sciences.
This seminar will feature our 2019 Journal of Materials ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº Lectureship Winner, Qiang Zhang, and our Journal of Materials ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº A and Materials Advances Associate Editor, Kisuk Kang, who will talk about their latest research
This seminar will allow researchers of all professional levels to connect, share ideas and ask questions.
• Qiang Zhang (Tsinghua University, China) - Emerging Energy ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº at Li metal and Electrolyte Interfaces• Kisuk Kang (Seoul National University, Korea) - New battery chemistry from conventional layered cathode materials for advanced lithium-ion batteries
17:00 CST Introduction17:05 CST New battery chemistry from conventional layered cathode materials for advanced lithium-ion batteries - Professor Kisuk Kang
17:30 CST Questions
17:35 CST Emerging Energy ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº at Li metal and Electrolyte Interfaces – Professor Qiang Zhang
18:15 CST Questions
18:25 CST Closing remarks