We are delighted to host Professor Tom Welton (Imperial College, London), outgoing president of the RSC, who will give a talk titled '¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº for a Sustainable World'. The talk will commence at 16:00 and will be followed by a buffet. A synopsis of the talk is given below:
Sustainable ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº is both the implementation of sustainability in the production and use of chemicals (Green ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº) and the application of chemistry and chemical products to enable sustainable development. The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a framework for the creation of a sustainable common future, in which all the world’s needs are met without compromising the abilities of future generations to provide for their needs. The chemical sciences and chemical scientists have much to offer to all of the SDGs. In this talk I will explore how chemistry is currently contributing to achieving the SDGs, some of the challenges to still be faced and the research that is being conducted to overcome those challenges.
Sustainable ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº is both the implementation of sustainability in the production and use of chemicals (Green ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº) and the application of chemistry and chemical products to enable sustainable development. The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a framework for the creation of a sustainable common future, in which all the world’s needs are met without compromising the abilities of future generations to provide for their needs. The chemical sciences and chemical scientists have much to offer to all of the SDGs. In this talk I will explore how chemistry is currently contributing to achieving the SDGs, some of the challenges to still be faced and the research that is being conducted to overcome those challenges.