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Intellectual Property Law Seminar 2024

26 November 2024 12:30-18:30, London, United Kingdom

The RSC Law Group will be holding its annual and highly popular IP law seminar on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 from 12:30 pm at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA. Our excellent speakers will be discussing recent high-profile law and practice developments in the world of intellectual property (IP), including areas of law where IP plays an important role - all with a chemical flavour. 

The programme will be as follows: 

12:30 - 1:30 pm:  Lunch and registration

1:30 - 2:00 pm:  Amanda Murphy (Partner, Finnegan) & Maeve O’Flynn (Partner, Finnegan) â€“ Impact of Clinical Trials on Patentability: Perspectives from the U.S. and Europe

2:00 - 2:30 pm:  Claire Phipps-Jones (Of Counsel, Bristows) – Patent case law update from the UK courts

2:30 - 3:00 pm:  Peter Jenkins (Consultant, Page White Farrer) – Navigating the complexities of EPO appeals

3:00 - 3:30 pm:  Coffee break and networking

3:30 - 4:00 pm:  Garreth Duncan (Partner, D Young & Co) – SPCs in Europe – what’s round the corner?

4:00 - 4:30 pm:  Andy Nicoll (Partner, Elkington + Fife) & Rachel Mumby (Partner – Patent litigation, Bristows) – UPC Update: A Personal Perspective and Comparison to EPO Proceedings

4:30 - 5:00 pm:  Jonathan Moss (IP Barrister, Hogarth Chambers) – Confidentiality and the Courts

5:00 - 6.30 pm:  Canapé and drinks reception

We hope to welcome many of our RSC law group members to this seminar. The seminar is also open to non-members, so please do feel free to circulate details to any colleagues and contacts who may be interested.

Registration Fees
£80 RSC member
£95 Non-member
£10 RSC student member
£15 Student non-member

The registration page is linked on this page - please use the "Book Now" link above. 

Travel bursaries: This year a number of travel bursaries are available to cover reasonable costs for travelling to the event (e.g., train fares) for those who may need them. If you would like to be considered for a travel bursary for the cost of travelling to this event, then please email Christopher Jones at cjones@boult.com, providing a brief reason. Travel bursaries will be awarded on a case-by-case basis. 

Accessibility: The event is located in the RSC building at the historic Burlington House. The RSC can provide a mobile ramp to access the building. Toilet facilities including an accessible toilet are on ground level and a lift provides access to the first floor where the Library is located. A hearing loop is available in the Library. The registration page has a section to indicate accessibility requirements, but please feel free to contact us separately to indicate these. Should you have any other accessibility requirements then please contact us and we will work with the RSC to determine how we can help.

Join us: You can join the RSC as a legal professional and there are several interest groups for those working outside the lab. You do not need a chemical sciences degree to be an affiliate member of the RSC. Please see rsc.org/join for further details. Please note the RSC will need to have processed your membership application before registering for this event for the RSC discount to apply.

The terms and conditions of the RSC Events registration page are included as a document on this page.
The ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº

Library, The ¾ÅÖÝÓ°Ôº, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

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Organised by
RSC Law Group
Contact information
Christopher Jones
Contact us by email

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